1 Dec 2007: SHOW ON STAGE
First day of December. And today I welcomed SHOW ON STAGE Concert!
Woohoo!!! How can xiaozhu be so handsome?! I was drooling during the concert. AHAHA that's so sickening.
Well concert started and ended at around 8.20pm and 10.20pm respectively. So it lasted for only 2 hours! I was so sad. Coz usually concert last for about 3 hours...
Anyway, still enjoyed it very much. Every moment was so so so enjoyable. I think the main cause is xiaozhu. It was him, thats why the concert was full of happy moments :)
That was this part when he used the computer system to select a fan to go up on stage to be his 'girlfriend' for a love song. And guess what? The selected fan was a guy! It was so funny when the guy look so paisei throughout the song. And xiaozhu make it so lovey-dovey, hold his hand, touched and hugged him. KEKE! xiaozhu said throughout his SHOW ON STAGE tours, this was the first time a guy got selected. So yea, I think this will leave him a deep impression of SG :)
And after the song, he made it clear that the song he sang was not a love song, but a frienship song. hahaha he's so funny
Now I love xiaozhu even more!!
Will upload photos/videos soon... Though they're not clear enough...
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u silly fangirl :p
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