
Simply a place, which is my online diary :)

Saturday, December 23, 2006

23 Dec 2006

Went to watch Death Note 2: The Last Name Sneak Preview alone just now at PS! It's nice and funny! :) but the ending is a bit disappointing.

Just like Hana Yori Dango, the comics-based drama, Death Note 2's plot and events have been linked. In other words, the story in shortened. Any unnecessary details are not included in the movie. But I loved this movie coz there's quite alot of parts of it which are funny! Ryuk; the Shinigami is funny...

I only bought the ticket at $8! so super cheap to me... It was supposed to be $9.50, including the booking fee online would be $10.50. But I used my cousin's Safra membership whereby the tic would be cheaper at $8. Including using the HSBC credit card cuts off $1 more from the $8, which is $7... Add on the $1 booking fee was $8. From $10.50 to $8! I saved alot :D so happy

Friday, December 15, 2006

14 Dec 2006

Went to Orchard today in the afternoon with Candy. We went to Kinokuniya and we saw 花樣少年少女 pictorial book! OMG. and I bought without much consideration. Candy was deciding if she should buy or not. so I 'temp' her lor. I succeeded :D
we then came back to my house and then went to IKEA @ tampines. ate our dinner there, shop around and went home. so boring -_-''


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