
Simply a place, which is my online diary :)

Monday, October 29, 2007

I'm Back! PART 2

Yeah! I'm back. Back to this blog that I've been neglecting since 20 June.

First of all... I'm having Olevel exams right now! Since 11 Oct, the Chemistry Practical exam.
My first crucial week had passed, with papers like Amaths, Chemistry(which fell on my birthday), Geography(gosh the paper sucks!) and History(1st time that I managed to finish it!).

Yea, tomorrow is my English papers and Emaths paper 1. And after Tuesday, I can really rest. As by then, I'll only be left with SS, Geography and Chemistry MCQs paper. YIPEE!

To speak honestly. I didn't study for my Os! Can anyone believe it? As in, I study the day before each paper. And I'm totally not nervous/fearful at all, unlike others with 'vibrating' bodies. Well. I'm taking my Os like a child's play. I really don't know what's happening to me. Sicko? Weirdo? Yea, I am indeed.

Ok have to go right now. It's 1.27am now. Need sufficient and plenty of sleep to keep me fresh and awake for tomorrow's papers. Seeya!